Getting Started Installation Templating Event handling Components Directives Examples API Reference


A what? A directives? Oh no. Do not panic, directive is a little helper that can simplify a lot of tasks.

Directive is a simple mark on DOM nodes that provides a few hook functions:

Every directive must start with : symbol, this mark help parser to understand that this is not a simple attribute but directive:

<div :directive={{ value }}>

Also it’s possible to omit value, or set static value:

<div :directive>
<div :directive="123">

Let’s create directive that will be hiding our node with style="display: none" attribute. Create a class that describes this:

class Show {
  constructor() {
    this.node = null;

  bind(node) {
    this.node = node;

  unbind(node) {
    this.node = null;

  update(value) { = value ? '' : 'none';

then import that class and render template:

import Monkberry from 'monkberry';
import Template from 'template.monk';
import show from 'show.js'; 

const directives = {show};

const view = Monkberry.render(Template, document.body, {directives});

and now we can use our directive in template:

<div :show={{ visible }}>

On state change div will be shown or hidden:

view.update({visible: true}); // show
view.update({visible: false}); // hide

That’s it!

:show, :fadeIn, :onclick and other directives can be found in monkberry-directives.

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